Are you ready for this product to buy?? I know no questions to ask, everyone will go for it without question. The life of battery going to extend for laptops and mobiles without having recharge for an hour.The researchers in Korea developed a new material for Graphite Anodes which would give the power boost for Lithium ion batteries.A team at Hanyang University in Korea has developed the material which involves three-dimensional, highly porous silicon structures, the latest edition of Angewandte Chemie journal reported. According to the researchers, a Lithium ion battery contains a cathode (positive electrode) made of a mixed metal oxide, such as lithium cobalt oxide, and an anode made of graphite.Wait for the product until comes to market.
Aston Martin is the world famous sports car. It has a highly unique characteristics and performance. The efficiency of the car determined as 99% and it is a foremost like product in today's technology. These are the spectacular cars which gives you more comfort of driving and its a combination of all kind of technologies. This is one of the hearty welcome by the lovers of car. The technology and workers behind this to develop the car was awesome and mind blowing. A different advanced audio system was assembled with 12:1 ratio.The great 2 seated luxury, Some series of Aston Martin are
The Aston Martin DBS is a 6.0-litre V12 powered, race-bred, two-seater shaped by the aerodynamic demands of high performance, with an exquisite interior that marries beautifully hand-finished materials with the very latest in performance technology. A combination of elegant design, innovative manufacturing processes, race-derived materials and components and Aston Martin’s unrivalled hand-build expertise makes the DBS a luxury sports car without equal.
The DB9 was borne out of a synthesis of traditional craftsmanship, high-tech manufacturing, modern components and use of the finest materials.The DB9 is both a full-blooded sports car and a hugely capable grand tourer. Whether in Coupe or Volante form, it offers a supreme combination of driver involvement, character, luxury and refinement.
V8 Vantage Coupe and Roadster are powered by Aston Martin’s 313 kW (420 bhp) 4.7-litre V8, developed for both flexibility and outright performance. The V8 also sounds spectacular and is capable of propelling the car to a maximum speed of 290 km/h (180 mph).
Computer games are becomes very popular among the children also some professionals are there to play. Many graphics companies are introducing a advanced graphics card which is suitable for all kind of games to play in the computer. But as far as technology growing we need to know whether this game will run in the system before buying the game. Here is opportunity for all to know is this game will suit your system??, if it can run you may buy that game.
Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Ltd a group of Suzuki Motors Japan on Wednesday launched two hyper sports bike -Hayabusa and Intruder M1800R. Both the bike are upgraded version of Suzuki with Hayabusa 1340cc and Intruder 1783cc both priced at Rs.12.50lakhs. Hayabusa and Intruder has a four stoke, four cylinder and liquid cooled double over head cam engine. Bikes are available only in selected cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, pune, Mumbai and Ahmedabad. Nice looking bikes would like by bike lovers.
A few days ago on November 14th Indian National Flag has been landed on Moon. The Images shown above are the three dimensional view of moon surface and other features captured by Terrain Camera of Chandrayaan-1. The Mission is reaching the target, nine instruments were switched ON on the board chandrayaan-1 and two more to go. The data sent from nine instruments are being analyzed.
The Instruments that remain to switch on are HIGH ENERGY X-RAY SPECTROMETER(HEX)and SUB KEV ATOM REFLECTING ANALYZER(SARA). HEX will be used to study the Moon's region for the deposit of water ice and areas of high uranium and thorium concentration. SARA will study how surface will react to solar wind and how materials are altered in space. HEX and SARA both are very high voltage instrument will be switched ON in the first week of December.
It would be really a good news to hear about the price of the fuel cut down, for the past several month even say years the price of fuel has not come down its keep on increased.The rate of the oil barrel has come down to $50 per barrel.So the sources said the fuel price would come to Rs.45 to Rs.47. What ever it may the rate coming down is really nice to hear. Currently the price of the petrol is Rs.55.10 but the exact price and order will come to market after the general assembly election. Probably the revised price will come to market after Dec 23rd.
The sexiest women in the world have been unveiled! Move aside Angelina and Scarlett, Karolina is here. Lingerie model Karolina Kurkova was voted as the world's sexiest woman beating supermodels Gisele Bundchen and Heidi Klum, and Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson.The lingerie model topped the polls conducted by E! Online. This particular list was unique as it focused on female beauty from around the globe.Second on the list is the Israeli model Bar Rafaeli, who happens to be Leonardo DiCaprio's latest squeeze, followed by Brad Pitt's Angelina Jolie.Forth on the list is yet another Leonardo DiCaprio's former squeeze, Gisele Bundchen, rounded off with Scarlett Johansson fifth on the list.
The list of 10 sexiest women in the world 1 . Karolina Kurkova
2 . Bar Rafaeli
3 . Angelina Jolie
4 . Gisele Bundchen
5 . Scarlett Johansson
6 . Adriana Lima
7 . Heidi Klum
8 . Penelope Cruz
9 . Manuela Arcuri
10. Shakira
What was happened in the classroom is??? There are two sections in our department, in management they were planned to shuffle the classes and split the section, we are really worried about that because we build a strong friendship between us even they are sitting next to our class but we don’t want to shuffle the class. One of my friend gave an idea to write letter to management about not to shuffle the class, plan came into action but the management won’t accept our request they are did what they want... Some of student from my class are going there and some of them are coming in that one of school mate are going to next class after a long time we have been separated. When the other class student enters into the room again I saw that person who I met on first day of my college, looking handsome but also a scene party. Then I found he was belongs to my department.
I don’t like to speak with him at first; he was sitting some 3 rows before me. The boy who is also a knowledge person, he was answered the questions which was asked by lecturer.
One day we are in chemistry lab, that boy and me are belongs to same batch. He started to introduce himself then I too shake hand with him and started talking with out doing any experiment in chemistry lab. I liked his move with me later he came to back row and sit with us, our friendship started growing we form a big gang and the only department which have guts, will go for all the problems, fights, etc.., In the first year itself we created a mass in the college; other departments will have some fear about our strange department. Interesting information is I was a representative to my class so the student in the class will call me “REP” “REP”. I always move free with my student, lecturer were asked me to control the class in free hour but I never do because as I’m also a student would like to enjoy the class in free hour but I will control the class if anyone comes near by classroom. Later one day we planned to cut the class and go for a movie, everyone will come to college in college bus get down before the college and met in the tea shop as like the plan, we go for a movie. For the first time only we had some fear to cut the class but later it will changed to regular activities.
The fun days are gonna to over because the semester exams are going to start. For the very first time I’m going to write the university exam, will have many dreams in my mind, started preparing for exams. Now we are in study holidays, forming group and preparing for the exam with shivering in heart. Exams were started and schedule was going for two weeks. I Put my whole effort and written the exam. University exam was over we started enjoying the holidays but have some fear inside because I’m thinking of the results. Holidays are over like speed of the light so entering in to second semester.
Here I have to tell about one important person. He is the well-wisher for me and also for many of the students. Let us see who is that person in the part 3.. Try to send the comment.
Are you looking to buy a new camera and laptop?? Bumper opportunity is waiting for you to grab. HP announced a special offer for all the customer who are purchasing the Hp pavilion laptop will get a Kodak easy share C1013 digital camera (10 mega pixel) conditions apply
The terms to be followed to get the gift camera are, after you purchased the Hp laptop just register your product in hp website. It is not absolutely free you have to spend some amount take demand draft and send to hp care. Process will take sometimes Camera will come to your hand with in 6 weeks of worth $125.45.
This is not a story a real incident which happened in front of me. It is interesting but also sad news. Usually I would like to speak in the mobile at the balcony, right that time my home bell was ringing I was moving to see who is ringing the bell, its my friend who is staying near by my home, always we would like to chat in outside of my home, because we were been following this for a long time also a motive is there to chat out.. What it would be???? Tuition girls will come that side, there is a professor who is staying next to my place will take tuition, so student will come there around 4pm we will just pass our time by seeing them and looking of them also passes some comment. It would be interesting for us but not always!!!! sometimes…
Apart from that tuition center there is also another tuition center opposite to my place which is for children. The street where I’m staying will always busy because this road will connect to main road everybody would like to go by this way. This must a routine life in my area. On that day I’m talking interesting with my friend about the cricket match both had a strong discussion about the cricket. Parents will always come with children to drop them in tuition place. A lady coming on that way, she is near by that center… walking slowly... slowly looking his child face to say something, right that time a person run fast crossing her and snatches her chain ,a lady was shouting “ My chain My chain” then only everyone look goes there by hearing her loud voice. The snatcher ran fast and get in to motorbike with another person who was get ready with bike and gone in seconds. Nobody will do anything because he went in bike, lady was crying and everybody surround her and watching, she came to explain what was happened.
This is a real incident happened so Beware of your thing at any places. Always have a look around yourself with much concentration. The place where I’m staying will always have some crowd but nobody will do anything, the incident was happened in seconds without anybody knowledge.
Just months after Madonna denied that her marriage was in trouble, the singer's spokesperson confirmed on Wednesday (October 15) reports that the pop star and husband Guy Ritchie will divorce after seven and a half years together. Madonna and Guy Ritchie's love life is even more mechanical than we thought. The pair sleep with their Blackberrys underneath their pillows, Her Madgesty reveals in the upcoming issue of Elle magazine, on stands Wednesday. "We lie right next to each other with our BlackBerrys under our pillows. It's not unromantic, it's practical. I'm sure loads of couples have their BlackBerrys in bed with them," the singer says. But in an effort to dispel recent rumors the couple is on the outs, Madonna insists to the mag that her and Richie's sex life in "amazing," despite the proximity of PDAs in the bed. Guy, however, wouldn't mind if his wife were a little more ladylike and Madonna concedes that she tries to make an effort. Her husband, she says, does urge her to be more feminine. "I've always been very comfortable with my masculine side - the confidence, the ballsiness. I've learnt to be more pliant, more vulnerable and to be comfortable with that."
I’m really happy about my days were passed in the college, still remembered those fun days in the college with all my friends. On my very first day to the college with my three friends who are all my school mates, actually we three are planned before to join in the same college after we finished the 12th standard successfully with a grand total. So we are going to college first day in the college bus, preferred to sit at the back seat in bus but the seniors of the college were sitting at the back seat and enjoying among them. We sat a seat before the back one, no one talking to us we really feel bad. It was a long journey to the college about 40 and above Km. I’m sitting at the aisle seat and was thinking about the school days of mine in the bus while traveling to college, student who are all getting in to bus were looking us because of new to that bus, we too look at them with a little embarrassment don’t know why??, finally we reached the college in time.
In college, the corridor was long to reach the auditorium, security was guiding us to reach the auditorium there too we preferred to sit at the back row more than 1000 students were fresher joined in the college. Fresher day function, Chairman, Director and Principle were giving the welcome address to the student and speaking about the activities, rules and regulations of the college we thought that it was a strict college and had some nerves with out showing to others, later the celebration were going there but we are looking at the girls who are all good, better and best. Then one boy who was also a fresher to that college came along with us in the bus there we introduce ourselves later he was sitting next to that girl of same bus, we are scolding that boy among ourselves that machi first day itself he put some mokkai and got here friendship da. Day one of the college was over and next day we came and sit at the same place in the auditorium, three days we are sitting like that finishes of the college procedures. In the three days I met one person who was very different from others really handsome guy showing some scene among the girls. I thought he was a scene party i.e., head weight person but i liked his style and personality later on we moved to our concern department again sitting at the back row, totally there are 90 students in my department.
My first day of the college starts there only because my school ambition was to join in engineering college by god grace I got a seat in engineering college also I got a department what I need. Everyone in the classroom had an introduction among us. My department was different from other; girls are very less in number compare to all other department. So the enjoyment were little bit high because of free of girls the days were passed on, the new friendships in the college were grown and we started more enjoyment and fun in the classroom. As we are fresher to the college seniors are watching us in a different view. We realize one thing that time in college ragging is a common one but nobody in the college not even speak to us but one day during the evening time we are going back to home seniors were called the fresher in the bus then I think of myself why don’t they call us before after that only we comes to know that exam were going right that time, after the exam was over they called the fresher and start ragging. In my bus seniors are calling one by one my friends were went and come don’t know what they asked to them. When my turn was come they called me and asked the details of my school and college also they asked my which girl do u like the most in the bus, on the first day itself I noticed one girl she is really looked beautiful but don’t know the name of that girl. I told them that girl who was sitting in the second row middle one. Seniors were looked that girl they asked DAI I know you will say that girl only, then I asked her name to them but they were not interested to tell her name later I found her name. One day a sudden change was happened in my classroom we really worried about, don’t know what to do because we only a new student to that college. We felt very sad on that day… what might be happened.. Just think of that ..If you would like this "PLEASE COMMENT ON IT" rest of the part i will post.would like to see you in PART2.
NVIDIA Groups of company launched Tesla supercomputers on Wednesday. The main source for this supercomputer is used for fast and accurate access than ever made before.Technologies are growing rapidly across the world. Computer,mobile phones and hand held devices are likely to use with quick response and fast execution,that was NVIDIA planned and launched this product.This would be 250times faster than personal computer. Computer makers such as HP,Dell,Lenova are coming forward to these product. This computer would very useful for all scientist,engineering colleges and organizations.
Intel has introduced the brilliantly faster processor than ever made, where it’s needed most nowadays, a new Intel core i7 processor with an incredible activates in PC performance. The new i7 processor has following advantages faster, intelligent, multi-core technology that applies processing power. It has a speed range of 2.66GHZ to 3.24GHZ with an outstanding cache memory of 8MB, really incredible processor. Previous version had cache memory of 1MB to 3MB but now the level had increased beyond the mark. Intel quick path interconnect is designed for increased bandwidth and low latency. It can achieve data transfer speeds as high as 25.6 GB/sec with the Extreme Edition processor. It can also have integrated memory controller resulting up to 25.6GB/sec memory bandwidth.